版本需求:Android 2.0 以上版本
聯絡地址:90 Stanaway St Hillcrest Auckland 0627 New Zealand
Forget global warming; the world in Poultry Temperature Manager is undergoing an ice age! Desperate to save all of the chickens, players must lead an army of chickens to huddle together or stray away from each other to avoid freezing to death or catching on fire, while generating enough heat to save the planet in the process.
Unlock multiple levels!
Achieve scores above 100,000 sometimes!
Stick around for an exciting ending!
Unravel a deep conspiracy that could change the way you think forever!
If you don't like (high quality!) programmer art, (funky and/or catchy!) programmer music, (hilarious!) programmer humour or programmer-humour-inspired grammatical constructs, maybe you are not for this game.
Find a bug? Want more levels? It'll never happen if you don't tell me! The email link is somewhere down there.